Focus Technology Group – Recruit Software Consultant

Connex World were asked to help Focus to find a replacement Software Consultant. The manager had used traditional hiring firms and practices without finding any suitable candidates. 


Firstly, we defined what the true costs of personnel replacement were. 

In this case, an extended period of training and development was needed in most cases to fully meet the positions requirements. This meant that replacement costs were far higher than recruiting costs. It also meant that the successful candidate needed certain qualities to get them to fully meet those requirements. 

Next, we determined the behaviours, skills, and values that were needed for a successful candidate.

This meant stripping back the Position Description to the essential personal characteristics that would maximise their chances of success, both on day 1 and day 730. This also meant that the very understanding of what performance was expected, what success would look like, needed to be clear. 

Third, we discussed what messages Focus wanted to express about how it treated its customers and its people.

This provided the basis for the following phase in showing how the Focus people work and what they care about. 



To demonstrate the work, the people, and the culture we recorded three videos. One showcased a typical day in the life of a software consultant including meeting a new client. Another video recorded a candid interview with several software consultants where they answered questions about their job and the culture of Focus. Finally, the manager was videoed sharing her thoughts on values and performance. 



Focus had not used social media for recruitment before, so a new account was created. After researching potential candidate pools, a marketing campaign was developed with tailored content for specific target groups. A job advertisement was written for Seek and TradeMe that highlighted the special nature of the position. The advert also encouraged those interested to contact the hiring manager to find out more. A series of questions and statements were developed with the hiring manager so that consistent information would be provided to candidates. 


We wanted to ensure that the right person was found promptly with the minimum of time spent of those who were not suitable. That meant making it clear what was needed. Of the 10 people who applied, 5 were considered potentially suitable. Two were hired as another position became available. A third was considered for any additional positions in the future. The two hired are now experienced and highly valued members of the Focus team two years later. 

The marketing campaign not only attracted suitable candidates but also gained praise from Focus clients as innovative and appealing. The team members appreciated the opportunity to be involved in the hiring process and found the experience useful in both clarifying and showcasing their work. 

Finally, the hiring manager was so impressed that she recorded a video stating her enthusiasm for the work performed by the Connex World team and her recommendation for others to use our service. 

Next Steps

Focus Technologies trusted Connex World to conduct future recruitment including another innovation where the person leaving was the main actor in a compelling video for his replacement. Additionally, Focus has become advocates for Connex World and the service we provide. 


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